2013 m. rugpjūčio 20 d., antradienis

The big day

You are busy with it half a year. You think about it all the time -in details and in a big picture. You stress about it, you can't sleep in the night dreaming about it. You use every spare moment to work on it. You try to prepare well. It goes differently than you planned.

But it is perfect. Because the one you want to spend your life with is next to you, holding your hand and smiling. Telling you the most simple and beautiful words in the world. And all your loved ones - family and friends - are together with you to celebrate your love. In the middle of the forest, under the pine trees and the August stars. 
The day was better than I could have imagined.

Thank you everybody who was there with us. And those who were with us in their hearts and thoughts.
My heart warms up every time I think back of those beautiful moments.

Photos: Gytaute Akstinaite

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